Today was a good, productive day working on the Triumph, something that I hadn't had in a while. We finished labeling and removing the wiring from the engine area AND the windshield and its mount finally came off the body!
A few months ago I picked up a can of B'laster (rust buster, lubricant, etc.) from Lowe's to try and remove the stubborn, rusted nuts that are throughout the car. We had been walking through the aisles of Lowe's when the packaging of the can caught my attention. I had never seen more product information placed on an item than this can of B'laster. The can claimed that when sprayed into a styrofoam cup, it will melt away the cup - sounds good for the Triumph bolts.
I had doused the windsh
Now that these two tasks are finally completed we can start taking the body
This weekend, I bought the Complete Guide to Auto Repair (published in the 1980s) at Salvation Army for $4. On the cover of the book, it notes "Including the New Front-Wheel-Drive Cars." I'm hoping the book will be a good reference for Triumph maintenance. So far I've spent about $60 in books (plus one free book on 1970/1980 do-it-yourself car diagnosis and repair from the local dump/swap area) and the best books are the ones that I've picked up from bargain book places. The books I bought for full price on Amazon are interesting, but most rely on purchasing new car panels to fix a rust spot and assume unlimited funds.
Lessons learned so far:
- Don't skimp buying the cheap masking tape - you'll have to re-do all the labeling again if you use cheap masking tape
- Buy a good can of rust eater
- Buy a big bottle of good grease removing soap (the kind with the sand-like bits mixed in) - I use to have the hardest time getting grease off my hands until I bought an industrial-sized, orange bottle of soap
My dad has grease soap, it smells awful but that stuff sure works, though ours doesn't have sand in it. Something about one kinda grease getting off the other kind...
Grease soap? The orange-bottle soap I use is called Boraxo. The label says "Orange Heavy Duty Hand Cleaner" and comes in a gallon dispenser. Good stuff to keep under the sink. Now I no longer find myself at work Monday mornings with a random streak of grease on my forearm. ;-)
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